Final Assembly
Slide the motor into the opening in the nose until it is fully seated. Friction should be
enough to hold the motor in place. Secure the motor with a small drop of medium CA to the
of each mounting tab, to further secure the motor, if desired. Connect the motor lead
to the socket at the
of the receiver board, oriented so that the black wire on the lead is
nearest the receiver clip.
Landing Gear:
Bend the landing gear over the pattern on the detail sheets. Use the
1/32 in. x 12 in. wire included in the kit. Proceed carefully, as accuracy is critical for a
proper fit.
Mount the wheel pants and Delrin wheels to the landing gear wire. First, fit the wheel pants,
and mark the wire where it exits the outside of the pant. Remove the wheel pant, and trim
the wire just short of this mark. This way, the wire will not show, once the wheel pants are
installed. When installed properly, the landing gear wire should seat within the recess in
WP6. Bond the landing gear wire to WP6 only. If not
using the wheel pants, mount the
1 1/8 in. wheels, provided in the kit, to the landing gear wire. Bend the ends of the wire
90 degrees (see
Landing Gear Detail
on the detail sheet) and trim off the excess.
Slit the covering over the landing gear pocket, and press the landing gear wire into the slot
until fully seated.
Locate LG1 (sheet 08/08, 1/32 in. ply) and press it into the landing gear pocket, until it is
flush with the
of the fuselage. Wick CA along LG1 and at the point where the wire
exits the slot.
Note: Ensure that no glue enters the recess in the center of LG1.
Remove the covering over the four slots in the fuselage
landing gear pocket.
Build Instructions
Clipped-Wing Taylorcraft
- Build Instructions © 2014 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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