Swimming Pool Heating
From the point of view of the solar heating system, a
swimming pool is nothing more than a storage tank
(normally with the lowest priority). One of the
preprogrammed layout plans can therefore be accessed.
Tx and Rx are the temperature sensor and pump of the
"other storage tank" and are specified by the selection of the
layout plan (with the adjacent diagram Rx = R2 and Tx =
T3). The ‘storage tank lower part’ temperature sensor of the
"other storage tank" (Tx) should ideally be positioned in the
swimming pool. If this is not possible for structural reasons it
can also be installed in the suction line of the circulation
If the circulating pump (Ry) should not be operated in
permanent mode (with filter circulation, for example), but instead should be actuated by the system
regulator, there must also – as described in the following – be an integrated thermostat, a differential -
thermostat and possibly an interval function (only when Tx is installed in the suction line). To do this
you also need one available input and one available output (called Ty and Ry in the above diagram).
Because of the common high power consumption of swimming pool pumps, it may
be necessary to also connect an external protective relay on the line side. If this is
the case, the corresponding speed control must be deactivated under 'Settings' ->
'Parameters' -> 'Speed control' when a speed-controllable output is used.
Function: If the temperature in the swimming pool (Tx) falls below the desired preset value and if there
is a sufficiently high differential temperature between plate heat exchanger (Ty) and pool (Tx) the
circulating pump (Ry) is activated and the water heated in the plate heat exchanger is pumped into the
pool. If the swimming pool has reached its switch-off temperature or if the plate heat exchanger no
longer provides a sufficient temperature level the pump is deactivated again. If the temperature sensor
Tx is installed in the suction line or must be, the circulating pump (Ry) must be switched on briefly at
specific intervals to be able to measure the current swimming pool temperature on the sensor.
Implementation: Open the menu item 'Settings' -> 'Service' -> 'Functions' -> 'thermostats' and activate
a free thermostat (
--2sec OK-->
). Then under Settings enter the desired switch-on and switch-off
temperature for the swimming pool heating and also the terminal position of the temperature sensor
Tx and the circulating pump Ry.
Now open the menu item 'Settings -> 'Service' -> 'Functions' -> 'diff. thermostats' and activate a free
diff.thermostat (
--2sec OK ->
). Then under Settings enter the desired switch-on and switch-off
differential temperature between Ty and Tx and also the terminal positions of the temperature sensors
Tx (W) and Ty (C) and the circulating pump Ry.
Min. temp input W and max. temp input C are not needed with this application and should therefore be
selected so that they outside the expected temperature range.
To regularly filter the pool water an interval function can also be programmed for the circulating pump
(Ry). To do this open the menu item 'Settings' -> 'Service' -> 'Functions' -> 'pipe coll/interval' and
activate a available interval function (
--2sec OK-->
). Then under Settings enter the desired
interval period, the switch-on period and the output to be switched.
Since several functions now access the circulating pump Ry, a logical link of these functions is
required (see chapter 6).
Under 'Settings' -> 'Service' -> 'Link' the output used for the circulating pump (called Ry here) must be
programmed as follows:
Ry ( ....... ) 'on' , if:
Therm os tat x 'on'
Dif.Therm o. x 'on'
Ry ( ....... ) 'on' , if:
Therm os tat x 'on'
Dif.Therm o. x 'on' or
Pipe coll./Interv. 'on'
without Interval function:
with Interval function: