After activating a heat meter several required settings must be performed. Depending on the flow
meter used, its scale must be entered in impulses per liter or liters per pulse. For calculating density
and heat capacity, an entry for the mixing ratio of anti-freeze and water is required. In this function, the
regulator’s micro controller factors in the material data of the often-used Tyfocor L solar fluid
(propylene glycol). Differences in the calculation of yield may occur if another solar fluid is used. To
record the thermal quantity of a pure water cycle, the percentage of glycol must be set to 0%..
Depending on which thermal quantity is to be specified in the system, the required measured data
(supply line, return line temperature, flow rate) must be assigned to the corresponding sensor inputs.
Please observe that the heat meter’s display is restricted to 15´000kWh. This resets to 0kWh not after
99´999kWh, but after 15´000kWh.
The sensor inputs "E1 (regulator)" to "E7 (regulator)" are available on the regulator or the inputs "E1 (IOBox)" to "E4 (IOBox)"
are available on each of the four possible add-on devices (for additional IO boxes see Ch. 9.1).
Additional Measuring Values
In addition to the control-relevant measuring values, the system regulator can also graphically display
other measuring values. As additional measuring values, up to 2 temperature, 2 radiation and 2 flow
rate values can be queried.
To activate additional measuring values, select the required measuring value in the menu 'Settings ->
'Service' -> 'Functions' -> 'Additional measured data' and press the OK button for 2 seconds (
If an additional measuring value is activated, the relevant inputs - and thus sensors – must be
assigned to it. The scale of the flow meter used must also be entered in impulses per liter or liters per
impulse for measuring flow rate values.
Please note that the flow rate display is restricted to 50´000l. This resets to 0 liters not after 99´999 l
but after 50´000 l.
The sensor inputs "E1 (regulator)" to "E7 (regulator)" for temperature and flow rate values are available on the regulator or the
inputs "E1 (IOBox)" to "E4 (IOBox)" are available on each of the four possible add-on devices (for additional IO boxes see ch.
The two inputs "E6 (regulator)" and "E7 (regulator)" for radiation values are available on the regulator.
Collector Temperature Limitation
If no energy is consumed from the storage tank over a longer period of time during a high solar
irradiance, the temperatures increase in the solar circuit. Now, the collector’s cooling function,
attempts to prevent evaporation of the heat transfer medium in the collector array. The system losses
in the collector circuit are deliberately raised by heating the heat transfer medium in the collector at
reduced pump speed and operating the collector at a lower efficiency.
To activate the collector temperature limitation press the OK button for 2 seconds (
) in the
menu 'Settings -> 'Service' -> 'Functions' -> 'collector temp. limit.'
Function: If the temperature in the storage tank with the lowest priority reaches the set value 'Active
from storage tank x°C', (recommended value: “storage tank max” temperature – 7K) the collector
temperature limitation becomes active. Then the solar circuit pump is switched off. Since the solar
circuit does not release heat via the storage tank, the collector temperature is automatically
increased. When the set collector temperature ('collector temp.') is exceeded, the solar circuit pump is
switched on again and operated with adjusted speed. Only when the temperature on the collector
sensor has decreased by 10 Kelvin of the set value ('collector temp.') is the solar circuit pump switch
off again. If the collector temperature now increases again, the process just described is carried out
again by the control system. This is repeated as long as either the storage tank temperature limitation
takes effect or the temperature in the collector rises to 130°C.