With storage tank temperature control: An additional check of the differential temperature between
circulation circuit (Tx) and the upper storage tank temperature (Ty) can ensure that the circulation
function is activated only when the temperature of the water in the storage tank is sufficiently higher
than that of the water in the circulation circuit.
If your storage tank still needs to be kept above the circulation temperature with a
corresponding after-heating function this function expansion is of no significance.
Implementation: Open the menu items 'Settings' -> 'Service' -> 'Functions' -> 'diff. thermostats' and
activate one available diff.thermostat (
--2sec OK-->
Then under Settings enter the desired
switch-on and switch-off differential as well as the terminal positions of the temperature sensors (Tx
and Ty) and the circulation pump. Min.temp input.W and max. temp input C are not required with this
application and should therefore be selected so that they are outside the expected temperature range.
Since three different functions now access the circulation pump a logical link of these functions is
required (see chapter 6).
Under 'Settings -> 'Service' -> 'Link' the output used for the circulation pump (called Rx here) must
now be programmed as follows:
Stop after-heating in the Morning
Depending on your personal usage profile, it may be energetically
pratcial to stop the after-heating contained in the layout plan in the
morning hours. This should prevent the storage tank, for example, from
being reheated by a morning shower and thus reducing the solar yield
during the day. This Stopping after-heating is implemented with the help
of a simple time function (chapter 5.4). To still be able to ensure a
specific basic temperature in the storage tank and therefore a minimum
level of comfort a thermostat function (chapter 5.1) must also be
For implementing, you do not need any additional inputs or outputs, just
access the existing inputs and outputs of the after-heating system
(called Tx or Rx in the adjacent diagram).
Function: If the temperature "Upper part of the storage tank" (Tx) falls below the set after-heating
value (parameter "After-heating ON"), the control system checks if the time requirement is met for
normal operation (e.g. normal operation from 11:00 A.M. to 11:59 A.M.). If the current time is outside
this time window, the control system checks if the temperature has fallen below the minimum comfort
level. Outside this time window the after-heating pump (Rx) is therefore activated only if it falls below
the minimum comfort temperature. When the "switch-off temperature" is reached on the storage tank
sensor (Tx) the after-heating pump is switched off again. Within the time window the after-heating
works as described in the layout plan.
Implementation: Open the menu item 'Settings' -> 'Service' -> 'Functions' -> 'Time functions' and
activate an available Time function (
--2sec OK-->
). Then under Settings enter the desired time
window (time without stoppage) and also the terminal position of the after-heating pump.
Now open the menu item 'Settings' -> 'Service' -> 'Functions' -> 'thermostats' and activate an available
thermostat (
--2sec OK-->
). Then under Settings enter the desired switch-on and switch-off
temperatures and also the terminal positions of the temperature sensor (Tx) and the after-heating
Rx ( ....... ) 'on' , if:
Therm os tat x 'on'
Dif.Therm o. x 'on' and
Tim e function x 'on'
Rx (regulator) 'on' , if:
Sys tem control 'on'
Dif.Therm o. x 'on' and
Tim e function x 'on'
by using the
Circulation function:
by using the
Circulation function: