µLine F1 User Manual
Both points must be inside the matrix dia-
gram (or plotting window) for reliable mea-
suring results. If one point is off the scale,
an arrow will signify where it is in relation
to the other (see fig. 32).
The measuring point should stay in the
matrix during measurement. If it moves
constantly in one direction then the inter-
ferometer is not aligned parallel to the axis.
Adjust it using the screws on the interfero -
meter until the point ranges from 0µm to
approx. 500 µm along the axis. Alignment is
now complete.
Do not waste time trying to get perfectly
near the reference point: if it diverges 500 µm
on a meter of axis, Pythagoras' theorem
tells us that the error in position equals
that to a mere 0.13 in µm.
6.5 Placing the temperature sensors
Put the temperature sensors on the axis of measurement. They are equipped with magnetic
footing for easy attachment on tooling machines. The TH sensor for measuring the proper-
ties in the air should be put near the interferometer.
Fig. 32: Example of the measuring
point wildly off the mark
Fig. 31: Adjustment check-box in
display menu