© 2022 Staheli West
Judging Bale Moisture with the
Gazeeka Moisture Gauge
REMEMBER: Steam applied to hay using the DewPoint machine will simulate a higher
moisture effect than the actual moisture percentage that is applied.
FOR EXAMPLE: Hay that is 8% moisture in the windrow can be baled at around 11-13%
using steam from the DewPoint machine, but will look like it was baled at 16-18% with
natural dew.
In climates with moderate humidity, fully cured hay that has no natural dew will normally range
from 10-12% moisture, depending on ambient humidity.
In these climates, you will normally be able to make bales with very good leaf retention
and density by applying enough steam to bring the bale moisture up to 13-15%.
REMEMBER: Steam applied to hay using the DewPoint machine will simulate a higher
moisture effect than the actual moisture percentage that is applied.
FOR EXAMPLE: Hay that is 10-12% moisture in the
windrow can be baled at around 13-
15% using steam from the DewPoint machine, but will look like it was baled at 16-18%
with natural dew.
In climates or seasons of high humidity where hay cannot be fully cured (no stem moisture),
you may choose to use hay preservative along with steam application. The steam application
will reduce leaf loss and the preservative will prevent hay spoilage.
We do not recommend baling with stem moisture whether using steam or not, unless:
You are using a proven preservative product.
You have tested the preservative product along with the use of steam, and you know
your limits!
Some producers have successfully baled with some stem moisture in the daytime while
adding a proven preservative and a moderate amount of steam to hold leaves. This
practice is more common in more humid climates and during monsoon conditions.
REMEMBER: Steam applied to hay using the DewPoint machine will simulate a higher
moisture effect than the actual moisture percentage that is applied.
Adding just 1-3% more moisture with steam will reduce leaf loss and improve bale
quality while keeping the bale moisture within an acceptable range where a proven
hay preservative will prevent spoilage.
WATCH the moisture reading on the GAZEEKA monitor.
ADJUST the steam injection rate over the first 5 to 10 bales using the Master Steam Rate slide-
switch and/or the individual valve proportioning slide-switches to achieve the desired moisture
level in your bales.
MONITOR and make adjustments throughout the operating time to keep the bale moisture at
the desired level.