A CYCLOPS example batch program, CYCLOPS_nmr_example.bat, can be found in the SpinCore
RadioProcessor directory (.../SpinCore/SpinAPI/examples/RadioProcessor). The parameters in this batch file
are identical to the singlepulse_nmr_example.bat program, with 12 extra parameters (4 instances of the
real_add_sub, imag_add_sub, and channel_swap parameters). The parameters are listed below:
where “#” is either 0, 1, 2, or 3 for each of the four CYCLOPS scans. A '1' will add or swap and a '0' will
subtract or not swap. In order to achieve the full CYCLOPS effect, the NUMBER_OF_SCANS parameter
should be a multiple of 4, however any number of scans may be run.
Sample data showing performance gain with CYCLOPS is shown in the following figures. Figure A6.1
shows NMR data acquired in the presence of non-coherent noise using 16 scans. The data on top was
acquired using normal averaging, while the data on the bottom was acquired using CYCLOPS averaging.
Notice the signal-to-noise ratio improvement when using CYCLOPS. Figure A6.2 shows the same data
represented in the frequency domain. The data on the left was acquired with CYCLOPS, while the data on the
right was acquired without CYCLOPS.
16 scans averaged without CYCLOPS
16 scans averaged with CYCLOPS
Figure A6.1:
NMR signal averaged over 16 scans without CYLOPS (top) and with
CYCLOPS (bottom).