IV. Creating Custom Pulse Programs
Controlling the RadioProcessor with SpinAPI
SpinAPI is a control library which allows programs to be written to communicate with the RadioProcessor
board. The most straightforward way to interface with this library is with a C/C++ program, and the API
definitions are described in this context. However, virtually all programming languages and software
environments (including software such as LabVIEW and MATLAB) provide mechanisms for accessing the
functionality of standard libraries such as SpinAPI.
A reference document for all SpinAPI functions is available online at:
The RadioProcessor is a highly versatile excitation and acquisition system, and as a result there are many
possible approaches to program the board. However, most applications will follow five basic steps:
1. Load the frequency and phase registers with desired values.
2. Specify data acquisition related parameters.
3. Specify all parameters that control the timing of the experiment, i.e., pulse times, delays, etc.
4. Trigger the pulse program. The experiment will then proceed autonomously.
5. Retrieve the captured data from the board at any time without interrupting the acquisition process.
These steps are described in detail below. For each of the steps, the relevant SpinAPI functions are listed
which control the actions needed to perform that particular step.