V. Connecting to the RadioProcessor
PCI RadioProcessor Boards Connector Information
There are two main connector types on the RadioProcessor board: the BNC connectors and the IDC
headers – see Figure 9, below. BNC connectors are mounted on the PCI bracket and are available outside of
the computer. The IDC connectors are mounted on-board and are available inside the computer only. There
are two long IDC headers and one short IDC header.
BNC Connectors
The four BNC connectors provide the primary interface with the RadioProcessorPCI board. All headers are
impedance matched to 50 Ohm. BNC3 is the Analog Input, used for data acquisition. BNC2 is the Analog
Output port. BNC1 and BNC0 are both general purpose digital outputs which can be controlled through the
pulse program.
The analog output connector (BNC2), is not equipped with an interpolating filter. This allows for maximum
flexibility in output frequency, but it means that the output may appear somewhat quantized if no filter is used
at the output. To eliminate this behavior and obtain a smooth RF pulse, the user may wish to filter the output
with a band-pass or low-pass filter which will cut off the undesired frequency components above the intended
RF signal.
Long IDC Headers
There are two long (2x13 pins) IDC headers on the RadioProcessor board. The headers provide access to
all 24 bits of the flag word, six of which are available to the user as general purpose digital outputs. These are
Figure 9:
RadioProcessor PCI Connector Locations
Digital Out
BNC3 (Analog In)
IDC Headers
BNC2 (Analog Out)
Hardware Trigger/Reset
BNC1 (Digital Out)
BNC0 (Digital Out)
Figure 10:
IDC header pinout
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13