Page 56 of 72 / Confidential / Version 1.1
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Pair relative messages
In pair relative messages, two sources are set at the same time. Currently, the two
sources can only be consecutive source indices with a first odd source index (1 and 2,
3 and 4, …, 15 and 16). They should be declared as a four-digit number like 0102 for
sources 1 and 2 or 1516 for sources 15 and 16.
Pair relative messages require two types of messages to be sent. First, a position
message in either “relative“ Cartesian or Polar coordinates that would correspond to
the barycenter position of the two sources (average angle and distance). Second the
pair width (angle difference between source 2 and 1). This kind of control is
particularly meaningful for stereo pair manipulations.
Pair position messages:
/SetSourceCartPairXY/SrcPairIndex float float (SrcPairIndex 0102, 0304..., x
relative [-1 1], y relative [-1 1])
Set pair barycenter in “relative” Cartesian coordinates (X, Y)
e.g. /SetSourceCartPairXY/0304 0.1 -0.9
/SetSourceCartPairYX/SrcPairIndex float float (SrcPairIndex 0102, 0304..., x
relative [-1 1], y relative [-1 1])
Set pair barycenter in “relative” reversed Cartesian coordinates (Y, X)
e.g. /SetSourceCartPairYX/0304 0.1 -0.9
/SetSourcePolarPair/SrcPairIndex float float (SrcPairIndex 0102, 0304...,
angleOffset, distanceOffset)
Set pair barycenter in relative Polar coordinates.
e.g. /SetSourcePolarPair/10 -112 0.35
/SetSourcesWidthPair/SrcPairIndex float (SrcPairIndex 0102, 0304...,angle -180.0
- +180.0)
Set pair width (angle difference between the two sources of the pair)
e.g. /SetSourcePolarPair/10 -112 0.35
Subsystem control
The following controls provide a low level access to all functionalities of the routing
panel of the WavePerformer. Please note that values in the routing panel are not
constantly updated for stability reasons. The panel should be exited and entered
again for displaying the transferred values with OSC.
/SetSubSystemLevelSrc/SrcId/SubsysId float Level (SrcIndex 1-24,
SubsystemIndex 1-4, Level 0 - 1.0)
Set subsystem gain (linear values) for source SrcId and subsystem SubsysId.
e.g. /SetSubSystemLevelSrc/8/2 0.5
/SetSubSystemDelaySrc/SrcId/SubsysId float (SrcIndex 1-24, SubsystemIndex 1-4,
Delay 0 - 170 ms)
Set subsystem delay in ms for source SrcId and subsystem SubsysId.
e.g. /SetSubSystemDelaySrc/7/3 10.2