User Manual for the Type 8300 Compatt 6
(and Variants)
UM-8300-Compatt 6
Issue B3
Section 6 – Operation
6.1 Introduction
Before operating the equipment, ensure Section 2 – Safety is read and fully understood.
6.2 Operational Modes
The transponder is activated by removing the battery disconnect fob (if fitted).
When the transponders have been installed, they are monitored and controlled by the software
6.2.1 Responder Mode
All transponders have a bi-directional sync line which can be operated as a responder input. Enabling
or disabling responder mode can be controlled serially or acoustically.
Responder Input
The sync line, when used as an electrical input, can provide responder functionality (the transponder
replies acoustically after an electrical trigger pulse instead of an acoustic interrogation). This mode of
operation can be useful if the transponder is to be mounted on a very noisy vehicle and is operating at
high depths or a long slant range.
Figure 6–1 Responder Input
T_preactive Time that Sync Input is required to remain high prior to a
falling edge to begin sync pulse validation
200 us
Time that Sync Input remains low before a valid sync pulse
to be recognised
100 us
Sync Input voltage
4.5 V
24 V
If the minimum value for T_preactive is not met then no amount of low state on the Sync Input line will
generate a sync event. Similarly if the minimum value for T_active is not met then no sync event will be
generated. Operating as a responder, the transponder will fire a reply acoustic transmission timed
from the rising edge of the sync input pulse (the turn-around-time TAT begins at the rising edge of the
trigger pulse).
6.2.2 Operating Notes for External Power Out
All transponders can be configured serially or acoustically to allow three external power options;
power out disabled, power out enabled at regulated 12 Volts dc or power out enabled at the battery
voltage. The maximum rating for the external power out supply is 3 Watts.
for the external connector pin details.
Section 6 – Operation