Radian Motion Sensor
User Manual
Document Ref: UM-8041-C1
Issue: C - Rev 1
© Sonardyne International Limited 2007
5 Operation
In this section…
This section contains the following sub-sections:
5.1 “Introduction” beginning on page 17.
5.2 “Power-on Radian” beginning on page 17.
5.3 “Software Operation” beginning on page 17.
5.4 “Graphical displays” beginning on page 26.
5.5 “Communication Failure” beginning on page 28.
5.1 Introduction
One of Radian’s features is its ability to be configured and then left to supply
measurements of heading, roll and pitch with no further operator intervention: For
the kind of applications where Radian plays a part, the need to ‘operate’ it would
represent a significant disadvantage.
Therefore, this chapter concentrates on using the software to configure Radian’s
operation. If you have made electrical connections between Radian and external
equipment, follow the instructions in this section to configure Radian and then
follow the instructions in section 6 to calibrate the earth magnetic field sensor.
5.2 Power-on Radian
Radian has no power switch or other operator controls: It begins to operate and
supply measurements after you supply power to it through the single connector.
After power-on, Radian performs a series of self-test routines on its memory and
internal circuitry, and then begins to supply measurements required by its current
The configuration that it uses when it starts to operate is the configuration in effect
when powered-off previously, For a new Radian, the starting configuration uses
the factory default settings—10Hz sample rate, 9600 baud Display Mode.
There is no need to power-off Radian—it is safe to leave it running contin-
uously. However, if you do need to power-off the system, all you need to do
is to switch off the DC power input to it.
5.3 Software Operation
The purpose of the software is to display measurements from Radian and to con-
figure its settings.
If you have already configured Radian’s settings and have connected it to
the receiving equipment, there is no further need to use the software.
Follow the instructions below only if you need to view measurements from a Ra-
dian Motion Sensor connected directly to the PC, or if you need to set Radian’s
Before you begin to operate the Radian display and configuration software, make
sure Radian is connected correctly to the computer that is to run the software and
is receiving power from the DC supply.