Radian Motion Sensor
User Manual
Document Ref: UM-8041-C1
Issue: C - Rev 1
© Sonardyne International Limited 2007
1 About This Manual
In this section…
This section contains the following sub-sections:
1.1 “Purpose” beginning on page 1.
1.2 “How this manual is arranged” beginning on page 1.
1.3 “Navigating the manual” beginning on page 2.
1.1 Purpose
This is the Technical and User Manual for the Radian Motion Sensor (Attitude
and Heading Reference System) manufactured by Sonardyne International Lim-
ited. It provides important information concerning the installation and use of the
hardware, and offers advice on how to use Radian safely and effectively.
Electronic manual
This manual is supplied electronically as a PDF file, which allows easy navigation
among related topics through hyperlinks, and supports the ability to search for
words, optionally using advanced features such as ‘word stemming’ and ‘sounds
like’. The manual also includes a more conventional index and table of contents.
If required, you can print any part of the manual. However, you cannot select,
copy, or change any part of it. Copyright in this manual remains with Sonardyne
International Limited at all times.
1.2 How this manual is arranged
This manual is arranged in a series of sections and appendices, each of which cov-
ers a major topic:
Section 1 "About This Manual" begins on page 1
Section 1 is about this manual and explains what it contains, who should read it,
and how to use it. Section 1 also explains the conventions used throughout this
Section 2 "Radian Overview" begins on page 4
Section 2 explains briefly what Radian is and what it does, and provides some ex-
ample applications where Radian can be used effectively. It also includes some
important cautionary notices and precautions that you must read before you un-
pack and install Radian.
Section 3 "Quick Start Guide" begins on page 8
Section 3
includes the basic information you need to begin using Radian as quickly
as possible, and refers you to the indicated sections of this manual for more de-
tailed information about the relevant topics.
Section 4 "Installation" begins on page 12
Section 4 describes how to install Radian. To gain the best possible performance
from Radian, you should plan the installation carefully and follow the instructions
and guidance included throughout this section of the manual.
Section 5 "Operation" begins on page 17
Section 5 describes how to operate Radian. One of Radian’s features is its ability
to be configured and then left to supply measurements with no further operator
intervention. This section explains how to configure the system to operate in this