Radian Motion Sensor
User Manual
Document Ref: UM-8041-C1
Issue: C - Rev 1
© Sonardyne International Limited 2007
4 Installation
In this section…
This section contains the following sub-sections:
4.1 “Introduction” beginning on page 12.
4.2 “Installation Location” beginning on page 12.
4.3 “Alignment” beginning on page 13.
4.4 “Site Preparation” beginning on page 14.
4.5 “Electrical connection” beginning on page 15.
4.1 Introduction
Installation of Radian is not a demanding or difficult task. However, to gain the
best possible performance from Radian, you should plan the installation carefully
and follow the instructions and guidance included throughout this section of the
The process of installation involves the following stages:
1. A location is chosen and prepared to install Radian’s pressure housing.
2. Radian is physically oriented and mounted at the location chosen for it.
3. Electrical and communication connections are made between Radian and the
external equipment associated with it.
4.2 Installation Location
The location chosen to mount Radian must provide the following:
It must not exceed Radian’s depth rating.
It must be nominally level with respect to the vessel or vehicle on which
Radian is to be installed.
It must provide protection for Radian so that there is no danger of damage
from impact with other equipment or with sub-sea structures around which
the ROV is working.
It must provide a stable magnetic environment, where there are no strong
magnetic fields and where the magnetic field of the vessel or vehicle does
not change with deployment or operation of equipment or manipulator arms.
It must not be subjected to extremes of temperature, rapid temperature varia-
tions, or excessive vibration or shocks.
It must allow easy routing of the cable between Radian and the receiving
It must allow convenient access to install and connect Radian.
Because Radian does not output measurements of heave or surge, there
is no requirement to mount it at or near the centre of rotation of the vehicle
on which it is installed. Provided there is no flexing or twisting of the vehicle,
Radian’s measurements of heading, roll and pitch will be valid for the entire