CIE-M10 User’s Manual Ver. 1.1
Sollae Systems Co., Ltd.
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Figure 8-1 Description of TCP Server Mode
When remote host connects to CIE-M10, user devices that are connected to CIE-M10 can
establish full duplex data communication with remote host.
Serial Data Before TCP Connection
Data before TCP connection will be handled based on the [Event Byte] settings. If it is 0, the
data that comes to CIE-M10‟s serial port will be ignored. If it is not 0, the serial data before TCP
connection will be temporarily saved to be sent to the host after the connection
Data Communication
When the TCP connection is established, the data communication in between the host and the
serial device will be established. Then, CIE-M10 will send data according to the [Data Frame]. In
other words, when the data comes through CIE-M10‟s serial port, it will be temporarily saved in
the buffer. Then, when there is no incoming data during the designated [Data Frame], CIE-M10
will send the saved data. If the [Data Frame] is 0, CIE-M10 will send serial port‟s data immediately.
The unit used for the [Date Frame] is 10m seconds.
Terminating Connection
When the connected host terminates the connection, or there is no data communication during
the designated [Timeout], the TCP connection will be automatically terminated. The unit used for
[Timeout] is 1 second.