CIE-M10 User’s Manual Ver. 1.1
Sollae Systems Co., Ltd.
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Peer Address
COD – TCP Client: A host name or IP address to connect
U2S – UDP: A host name of IP address to send UDP datagram
Peer Port
COD – TCP Client: A port number to connect
U2S – UDP: A port number to send UDP datagram
Local Port
T2S – TCP Server: Local port to listen on as a TCP server
U2S – UDP: Local port to receive UDP datagram
Event Byte
T2S – TCP Server:
0: ignores data before the connection
Not 0: stores data before the connection and transmits it
COD – TCP Client or U2S – UDP:
CIE-M10 tries to a make a TCP connection or transmits
UDP data if the byte from its serial port is greater than
this parameter
TCP connection will be disconnected if there‟s no data
communication during the Timeout (Unit: second)
Data Frame
CIE-M10 transmits data in its buffer if there‟s no incoming data
from its serial port during the Data Frame time. (Unit: 10ms,
Minimum Value: 4)
Telnet COM Port
When this field is enabled, it sends not only serial port data but
also serial port‟s control signal with telnet protocol. (RFC2217)
Disable TCP
CIE-M10 stops TCP nagle timer to reduce delay when it send data
to the remote host.
Create an ezVSP
Creating a new virtual serial port for ezVSP with proper
(Supporting ezManager from 2.0j and ezVSP from 2.2h)
Table 5-5 ezManager Serial Tab
I/O Port – Basic Settings
Enable/Disable the web server to monitor and control the
I/O ports with web browers
Web(HTTP) Port
Web server‟s port number (default: 80)
Size of Web(HTTP)
Size of user‟s web pages (80KB, 96KB, 112KB)
80KB is recommended