Managing Your Security
RB6741-Z Touchscreen Security System User Manual
2. Tap
to enter a name or description of who will be using the keypad code.
3. Tap
4-digit code
to enter the keypad code. You will be required to enter the code
twice to validate the code.
4. You can optionally disable the keypad code for certain days of the week. Active days
are displayed in blue. Inactive days are displayed in gray.
5. Specify a permission level for this keypad code. The following table describes each
permission level.
Table 3-2. Keypad Code Permission Levels
Arming Level
User can arm and disarm the system.
Arm Only
User can only arm the system.
User can create, edit, and delete keypad codes, as well as arm and disarm the system. This level is provided with
the system and cannot be added.
User is granted full access to the Touchscreen including arming/disarming and system settings. If entered, the
Touchscreen sends a silent alarm to the central-monitoring station, and the police are dispatched. This level is
provided with the system and cannot be added.