input voltage for
SmartLink 1000 B–2
SmartLink 2000 B–2
input voltage, AC 2–19
installation steps x
installing MCS workstation application
software 3–2
inventory taking 1–3
J1/ISDN cable
description of C–16
illustration of 2–17
pin assignments C–16
keyboard connection to MCS 2–1
LAN connection 1–8
line driver A–3
LIU-to-network cable C–10
load tests for MCS modules 2–19
attaching workstations to A–3
cable summarization table C–32
connection settings A–12
description of 1–4
electrical specifications B–2
electrostatic discharge specifications B–3
environmental specifications B–3
heat generation specifications B–3
humidity specifications B–3
installation steps x
module load tests 2–19
monitor, use of 1–4
names for A–11
noise generation specifications B–3
operating temperature specifications B–3
physical specifications B–4, B–5
placing 1–15
power on requirements 2–19
specifications B–1
storage temperature specifications B–3
MCS Connection Settings dialog box 3–5,
MCS Connections dialog box 3–4, A–11
MCS Date/Time dialog box 3–10
MCS Timezone/Date/Time dialog box 3–10
MCS workstation
connection settings A–10, A–11, A–12
connection types A–3
description of 1–6
dialed connection illustration A–5
hanging up 3–12
icon for 3–3
minimum requirements 1–7
monitor, required resolution 1–7
multiple connections for C–17
optional cable for C–17
placing 1–15
RAM requirements 1–7
settings A–10, A–13
TCP/IP connection illustration A–6
time zone for A–14
MCS workstation application software
configuring 3–4
starting 3–3
MCS workstation configuration file
closing A–15
creating A–9
default name A–9
opening A–17
MCS Workstation dialog box 3–4
MCS workstation software
configuring 3–4
starting 3–3
MCSWS directory, creation of 3–2
MCU_PRNT directory, creation of 3–2
MCU_WS.CFG file, creation of A–9
Microsoft Windows required version 1–7
modem command file 3–7, A–14
module load tests 2–19
attaching to MCS 2–1
resolution 1–7
using 1–4