SMART Board User’s Guide
Reducing Screen Resolution and Display
Colors, 41
Resizing Objects, 53
Restore Cleared Annotations, 22
PowerPoint, 84
Retrieve Background, 52
Safety Precautions, i
Save/Print Toolbar, 25, 64
Saving Notebook Files
HTML Format, 58
Image File Format, 57
Mac OS X Format, 59
New, Unnamed Notebook File, 57
PDF Format, 58
Template File, 59
UNIX Format, 59
Saving Pen Tray and Floating Tool
Settings as a User Profile, 24
Saving PowerPoint Annotations, 83
Saving Tools Settings, 24
Scale to Fit (Macintosh), 76
Scanned Pictures
Importing into Notebook (Windows), 67
Screen Capture Commands in Macintosh,
Screen Capture for Windows, 65
Screen Resolution, 41
Selecting Objects in Notebook Software
All Objects on a Page, 51
Multiple Objects, 50
Single Object, 50
Send Backward, 53
Send to Back, 53
Sending Notebook Files by E-Mail, 60
Serial Cable Connection
Macintosh, viii–x
Manually Configuring Port, v
Windows, iii–vi
Side Sorter, 72
SMART Aware, 6
Cleaning, ii
Erasing on a SMART Board, 26
Multiple SMART Boards, 90–91
Orientation, 10–11
Presenting on a SMART Board, 82–84
Tips for Trouble-Free Performance, ii
Unresponsive, 13
Without a Projector, 86
Writing on a SMART Board, 18
SMART Board Control Panel, 5
SMART Board Service, 1
SMART Board Software
Configuring for Use with Projector, 13
Configuring for Use without a Projector,
Macintosh, 9
SMART Board Control Panel, 5
SMART Board Service, 1
Windows, 7–9
SMART Bulb Saver, 16
SMART Grouping, 52
SMART Notebook, 2
Capture PowerPoint Annotations, 83
Capturing Annotations (Macintosh), 68
Capturing Annotations (Windows), 64–
Capturing Notes on a Non-Projected
Board, 87
Importing Clip Art (Windows), 67
Importing Graphic Files (Macintosh), 69
Importing Graphic Files (Windows), 67
Importing Scanned Pictures (Windows),
Navigating within a File, 76
Print Capture for Windows, 66
Scale to Fit (Macintosh), 76
Screen Capture (Macintosh), 68
Screen Capture (Windows), 65
SMART Zoom (Windows), 75
Sorting Information, 71–73
SMART Notebook Software
Accessing, 46
Checking your Spelling, 49
Creating a New File, 57
Deleting Objects, 54
Distributing Notebook Files, 60–61
Drawing Tools, 47
Editing Objects, 49–54
E-mailing Notebook Files, 60
Grouping Objects, 51
Highlighter Tool, 47
Managing Notebook Files, 56–63
Moving Objects, 51
Object Attributes, 53
Opening a File, 56
Pen Tool, 47
Printed Page Setup, 60
Printing Notebook Files, 60–61
Protecting Objects from Further Editing,
Publishing Files on the Internet, 59
Rearranging Stacked Objects, 53
Resizing Objects, 53
Saving Files, 57–59
Text Attributes, 49
Text Tool, 48
Ungrouping Objects, 51
SMART On-Screen Keyboard, 4, 30
Editing Converted Handwriting, 32
Entering Freehand Numbers, 34
Handwriting Recognition, 30