Translated by R.Whitehead 10-3-2014 (my best effort – accuracy is not guaranteed)
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“Vario Schwelle” (Vario Threshold) is the response threshold for the Vario signal via
telemetry, so if, and only If, the rise/ fall is greater than the threshold will a Vario tone be
“Vario Ton” (Vario sound) sets whether the Vario is active during climb / decent or both.
The Vario sound can also be switched off completely here.
“Vario Faktor” (Vario Factor) specifies the factor by which the values are multiplied for
telemetry. Normally it is set at 1.0 so the actual m/s can be displayed on the telemetry. In
special cases, however, by using a factor greater than 1, the acoustic output of the
tranbsmitter can be made more sensitive if the transmitter itself allows no such
adjustments. But you must accept that the displayed and recorded Vario values do not
correspond to reality.
Example: -
“Vario climbing threshold” is set to 0,5 m/s “Vario sinking threshold” is set to -1.0 m/s
–„Vario tone is set to “on”
if the model rises faster than 0.5 m/s, the value is sent
if the model rises or sinks more slowly, 0 is sent
If the Vario is always required to be transmitted, set the Vario thresholds to 0.0 m/s
and the Vario sound
on “up/down”.