Assembly & Operation Manual
ARF Paint
The color finish on your Skymaster Sabre arf pro model was applied out of the mould.
We have used only the highest standard automotive paints to finish your model.
Should you damage the finish, Skymaster stock the color paint and hardener required
for the repair. A good automotive spray painter should also be able to mix and supply
the correct samples for repair.
If you have no experience in the use of these paints, it will be best to seek assistance.
Do not leave your model unprotected in the sun! always cover your model or park it in
the shade. Extreme temperatures will damage the paint!
Finishing Your All White SABRE ARF PRO
It is always best to fully assemble the model before painting. By doing so no damage
or glue prints will ruin the paint.
The all white model will have some release agent on the surfaces.
Use #1000 wet and dry paper to sand the entire model. Mould lines can be sanded
and filled using normal automotive fillers.
Please be extra careful when sanding near the hinge line! The hinges can easily be
damaged. When masking and painting please make sure the control surfaces are not
bend past 90—180 degrees extensively. This will cause the hinges to crack and may
cause flutter.
The rudder and clear canopy are not installed. It is best to install these components
after painting was done.