Sound Intensity Threshold
Sound Intensity Threshold range: [1-100]. It can filter the sound in the environment. The
louder the environmental sound, the higher the value should be. You can adapt the threshold
to the actual environment.
To set the arming schedule
On the Arming Schedule tab, drag your mouse pointer across the required day(s) to set
the arming schedule.
A Copy button appears as you move your pointer across the schedule. You can click it to
copy the settings of a specific day to another day.
You can click a time section to edit, save or delete it.
Click Save.
To set the alarm actions
On the Linkage Method tab, select the required actions (see descriptions below).
Options: Send Email, Notify Surveillance Center, Trigger Alarm Output, Trigger Channel.
Click Save.
Send Email
Send an email with alarm information to a user or users when an event occurs. Before emails
can be sent, the related settings on the Mail tab of the Network page must be correctly and
completely configured.
Notify Surveillance Center
Send an exception or alarm signal to remote management software when an event occurs.
Trigger Alarm Output
Trigger one or more external alarm outputs when an event occurs. Before the output can be
triggered, the related settings on the Alarm Output tab of the Events page must be correctly
and completely configured.
Trigger Channel
Video is recorded when an event occurs. Before recording can start, the recording schedule on
the Record Schedule tab of the Storage page must be set.