Copyright 2020, SIGMAKOKI Co.,Ltd.
Origin Reset Method
There are six types in Origin Reset setting. Please select optimal Origin Reset setting for stage in use
depending upon software.
There are two parameters to do with Origin Reset, which are Origin Reset Speed (S, F, R, M) and Origin
offset (ORG OFFSET). Parameters of each axis can be individually set. Please select the optimum value
according to the software.
In case of when PGO (Z pulse) is used as an Origin sensor, (ORG5 or ORG6), Origin sensor is not in need
at stage since Excitation Reset of motor driver is used.
1, ORG0 Not reset ORGIN position.
2, ORG1
(MINI method compatible, however stage moves to ORG offset value)
ORG OFFSET default value: 0.5[mm].
CW(CCW) Sensor
Detect CW limit sensor
Move 0.5[mm]
Detect CW limit sensor
Move to offset position
ORG reset speed M
ORG reset speed S
ORG reset speed M
ORG reset speed F