Maintenance and service
6.2 Software updates/installations
Mobile reader SIMATIC RF360M/RF660M
Operating Instructions, 08/2022, C79000-G8976-C660-02
Click on the *.apk file and then the "Install" button.
Note: Depending on the defined security settings of the reader, the "Installation disabled"
dialog window can appear.
In this case, click the "Settings" button and enable the "Unknown origin" setting.
Confirm the change by clicking "OK".
On the bottom left, click the "Back" button to return to the installation process in the
Total Commander.
Click on the *.apk file again and then the "Install" button.
Confirm the installation process by clicking the "Install" button again.
Result: The installation is carried out. As soon as it has been completed successfully, a
confirmation appears in the dialog window ("App has been installed."). Finally, click the
"Finished" button and close the Total Commander.
MCon update
Using an update file and a USB stick, you can update the interface software of the head
module (Module Controller or MCon). You can find a current version of the update file on the
Siemens Industry Online Support pages
The update file (*.bin) has been downloaded and transferred to a USB stick.
The charging/docking station is connected to the power supply.
The mobile reader is in the charging/docking station.
Follow these steps to perform an MCon update:
Plug the USB with the update file into the USB port of the charging/docking station.
As soon as the USB stick has been detected by the reader, a USB symbol is displayed in the
navigation bar in the top left of the reader display. If the symbol is not displayed, restart
the reader.
Open the "Total Commander" app and copy the update file from the USB stick into the local
download folder.
Start the "SIMATIC Mobile Reader" app.
In the "Settings > Update > File path Mcon update" menu, click the button .
Reaction: The "Downloads" folder opens.
Select the memory path of the update file with the button