"SIMATIC Mobile Reader" app
5.2 Functions of the HF app variant (RF360M)
Mobile reader SIMATIC RF360M/RF660M
Operating Instructions, 08/2022, C79000-G8976-C660-02
File editor
In the "File editor" tag, you can transfer transponder data saved in the mobile reader onto the
transponder located in the antenna field.
Figure 5-4
"Tag Editor > File editor" menu
Table 5- 5
Functions of the "File editor" tab
Target tag
The UID of the transponder located in the antenna field is displayed in this area.
Memory path
Selection of the memory path and the file of the transponder data saved in the
reader that should be written to the transponder located in the antenna field.
Note: A separate file in which the transponder data of the respective transponder
is saved is created for each transponder read via the "Memory editor". The file
name is created based on the UID of the respective transponder.