4.2 Commissioning and operation (software)
Mobile reader SIMATIC RF360M/RF660M
Operating Instructions, 08/2022, C79000-G8976-C660-02
Do not establish a WLAN connection
Do not establish a WLAN connection with the device. If you do establish a WLAN connection,
make sure that it is a secure connection.
The mobile reader has a WLAN module via which the reader can be integrated in an existing
WLAN. As is usual with Android operating systems, you can define the network settings of the
reader via the system settings of the operating system.
You can find detailed information on the WLAN standards and their encryption in the section
"Technical specifications of the SIMATIC RF160B (Page 81)".
The SIMATIC RF160B provides the option to set further WLAN parameters outside of the
values offered by Android as standard. You can edit these parameters in the file
"wifi_config.conf" ("sdcard > ACD > wifi"). The values are also described in detail there. To
apply the specific WLAN settings, you need to enter the maintenance code "77696" in the