Subject to change without notice
T R A N S L A T I O N O F T H E O R I G I N A L I N S T R U C T I O N S | Telematic Data Collector
The level will jump up over a short period of time when refueling.
Generating a consumption report for a specific period
1. Under the Position display tab, select the vehicle for which you want to generate
a consumption report.
2. Click on the
icon in the toolbar.
3. Set the period of time to be covered by the consumption report.
4. Click on the
button. Fuel consumption information will be displayed for the
vehicle, with each day during the period selected having its own row.
The information covered in the list includes the number of kilometers traveled on the
day, the level at the beginning and end of a journey, and the fuel consumption.
Combined with details on speed, it is possible to quickly check whether or not the fuel
consumption seems plausible.