Accessories 108
conference units 48
chairman unit
ADN CU1 display panel,
display panel
central unit
Advance warning time
adjusting 28, 91
Audio devices
connecting to the central unit 19
Audio Gain Reduction 32, 94
Audio IN and Audio OUT 19, 31
adjusting audio settings 93, 95
Audio settings
adjusting 31, 93, 95
Behavior when the speaking time limit is exceeded
adjusting 29, 92
Blink on Request 30
Break Counter 39
resetting 40
Bus Statistics 39
Cable fault 34
Cable holders
installing 17
Cancel function 47
Central unit
adjusting further settings 42
Audio IN and Audio OUT 19
configuring the screen, mouse, and keyboard settings 63
connecting external audio devices 19
connecting to a PC 20
connecting to the Conference Manager software 49
connecting to the mains 16
functions of the keys 21
language 41
mounting into a 19” rack 15
network settings 42
operating menu 22
overview 10
setting up 15
switching on/off 20
using 21
Chairman unit
activating the microphone 45
configuring the priority key 30
connecting to the central unit 17
deactivating the microphone 45, 99
ending a conference 47
granting speaking privileges 47
initializing 30, 86
muting all delegate units 48
operating 46
overview 9
preparing for use 16
Cleaning 104
Clear Request List on Cancel 30
Conference Manager 49
adjusting network settings 65
adjusting settings during a running conference 101
adjusting the conference mode 90
adjusting the language 64
adjusting the View windows 62
assigning delegates to the conference units 88
automatically loading a configuration 69
bar graphs 99
buttons for selecting the operating mode 58
changing the numbering 88
changing the size of the canvas 83
closing a configuration 70
conference unit icons 86, 98
configuring a conference 90
configuring the screen, mouse, and keyboard settings 63
Connect to CU 66
connecting the central unit to a PC 20
connecting to the central unit 66
controlling a conference 95
controlling a running conference 97
controlling conferences 49, 99
creating a configuration 67
creating a delegate list 85
creating a new file/configuration 67
creating graphical representations 73, 74
delegate list 74
Delegate View window 96
deleting a configuration 71
devices required for use with the central unit 19
eliminating connection problems 67
enlarging the canvas 82
establishing a connection between software and
conference system 49
full screen mode 63
getting to know and adjusting basic features 56
hardware platform 49
initializing conference units 86
installing 51
“Live” operating mode 49, 95
loading a configuration/file 68
locking objects 84
log and diagnosis function 102
mapping a room 72, 74
monitoring a conference 95, 97
Open Active Conference Document 68
overview 56
preparing a conference 72, 90
preparing for use 19
Room View window 96
running on a separate Windows PC 20, 49, 50
running on the central unit 19, 49, 50