Rostock Max Assembly Guide
13.8 – Install Bowden Drive PTC Adapter on Extruder Mount Plate.
Figure 45 - Bowden Drive PTC Adapter Installed
Set this assembly aside for now – it won’t be needed for a while.
14 – Assembling the Extruder
14.1 – I’m going to cheat on this one and point you to the assembly video that PartDaddy (Steve)
. He does an excellent job in
describing how the extruder is constructed. He designed it after all!
14.2 - I assembled mine using a vice with soft jaw covers to install the bearings in the gears as
well as install the drive gear on to the stepper motor. Please take care when installing that gear – you
need to ensure that you’re applying force straight down with no angular component or you’ll break the
gear or bend the stepper motor output shaft.
14.3 - I created a short video that describes some of the less clear elements of assembling the