C H A P T E R 4
Correcting and Editing
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
Correcting quickly
Many people find it convenient to dictate their document first, then go
back and correct mistakes afterwards. For a discussion of the fastest ways
to work, see “Speaking and Dictating,” on page 153.
The Correction menu is designed to make correcting mistakes faster and
easier, but you don’t have to use it. Feel free to disregard it and make
corrections by keyboard, mouse, or voice, just as you would edit any
word-processed document.
Selecting text by voice
Using Select-and-Say
To edit your dictation by voice, just say “
” plus the words you want
to change. Then dictate the new words you want and they will replace
the text that was selected. This Select-and-Say
feature is available in
Accuracy improves only when you select, then
To get the most accuracy improvement when making corrections to
your document, you must first select the word or words before
correcting them. Using, for example, the
key and
retyping or saying “
Scratch That
” will correct the text in your
document, but will not make Dragon NaturallySpeaking
learn from
its mistakes and improve recognition accuracy.
It is sometimes fastest to get your work done using the
key, “
Scratch That,
” and other editing methods
different from “select, then correct.” It is fine to use these
techniques and any other ways that you prefer to edit your
documents. Your accuracy will not improve, but it will not get any
worse either.
For best results, make corrections by selecting, then correcting as
often as you can, but don’t be concerned if you’re correcting your
documents in other ways as well.