: Automatically insert spaces between words as you complete
Next word prediction
: Swype predicts the next word based on the previous
Show Voice key
: The Voice key is displayed on the Swype keyboard.
My Words
: Manage your personal dictionary and data usage.
: Choose the current language for Swype, and download new languages.
: Learn about shortcuts you can use on the keyboard to quickly accomplish
common tasks.
: Get additional information about using Swype.
: Check for updates to Swype, and install them if desired.
Voice Search
The Voice Search feature is a voice-activated application that allows you to tell the tablet what
to search for and then the tablet activates a Google search based on what you said.
1. Press
and then touch
Language and input
2. Touch
Voice search
for these options:
: Choose a language for voice searching.
Speech output
: Choose options for speech output.
Block offensive words
: Words many people find offensive are not shown in results
of Google voice searches. Offensive words are replaced in results with a placeholder
Hotword detection
: Say “Google” to launch voice search.
Download offline speech recognition
: Download speech recognition to enable
voice input while offline.
Personalized recognition
: Google uses your personalized information to improve
speech recognition (available when signed in to your Google account).
Google Account dashboard
: Manage your collected data (available when signed in
to your Google account).
Bluetooth headset
: Record audio through a Bluetooth headset (not included).