User's manual
Rotary Snow Blower
Use machines with PTO shafts designed to drive them. Prior to work
commencement, inspect safety guards whether they (in tractor, blower and
shaft) are placed correctly and are not damaged. Damaged or missing parts
must be replaced with genuine ones. Make sure that the telescopic articulated
shaft is mounted properly. Approaching the rotating parts is strictly
forbidden, as it may lead to serious injuries or even cause death. For any
service and repair works of the shaft and the blower, the tractor engine and
its drive must be disconnected. Prior to the operation commencement, read
the operator's manuals of both the machine and the shaft.
If need be shorten the shaft as provided in corresponding operator's manual
Fig. 10
Fig. 10.
Telescopic articulated shaft shortening instructions
Fig. 11.
Proper rotation direction of gear shafts
a) Tornado 200 and 251 b) Tornado 250
Depending on tractor's PTO shaft's rotation direction, telescopic articulated shaft needs to be
connected to corresponding gear shaft (
Fig. 11
). Connect the shaft's end equipped with
overrunning clutch to the machine. Rotary snow blower is factory equipped with telescopic
articulated drive shaft with either right- or left hand overrunning clutch and with machine in-built
telescopic articulated shaft in accordance with
Tab. 3.
Application of two different drive shafts is
due to various rotation directions of front PTO shafts in tractors (
Fig. 12
540 ÷ 750 rpt
1000 rpt
540÷750 rpt