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3.2.2 ARB configuration
The arbitrary waveform function is available in two modes: sequence and arbitrary waveform.
The S1465 Series Signal Generator supports sequence and arbitrary waveform playback functions.
In the sequence mode, you can generate waveform segment files as needed, and play the
waveform segments arbitrarily. In arbitrary waveform mode, you can load arbitrary waveform data
files in the custom format for playback.
Example 1: Generate a Wave Segment file example.seg with the Data Source of PN9, the
Modulation Type of QPSK, the Sample Counts of 40000 and the Samp Clock of 4 MHz, and set
the markers for the start and end of the Wave Segment file.
Operation steps:
Step 1. Activate the Arb Seq Config Dialog:
to pop up the Arb Seq Config Dialog on the operation interface (Fig.3.9).
Fig.3.9 Arb Seq Config Dialog
Step 2. Select the Work Pattern:
Rotate the RPG clockwise (or counterclockwise), move the focus to the “Work Pattern” combo
box, press the knob to select “Seq”; or touch the “Work Pattern” option box on the screen to set the
Work Pattern to Seq.
Step 3. Custom Wave Segment:
Select the “Custom Wav Seg” button and pop up the “Custom Wav Seg” dialog (Fig.3.10)