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RPG to select the Freq Ref input box. Make the Freq Ref input box editable by pressing the knob or
touching the screen; the frequency reference shown in the current edit box is the system default or the
value set during the last frequency reference operation. Now enter 500MHz and end typing, then the
frequency shown in the main information display area is actual RF output frequency minus the frequency
reference (1GHz = 1.5GHz - 500MHz), and the frequency indicated in the main information display area is
prefixed by a “reference” mark, now the “Freq Ref OFF/ON “ is set to “ON”.
If the frequency reference is turned off, the frequency shown in the main information display area is
the actual RF output frequency.
Fig.2.17 Setting Freq Ref to 500MHz
Step 3. RF ON.
or click the [RF] function area on the screen to switch on RF and output
RF signals.
Now the RF ON/OFF status area on the front panel operating interface shows “RF ON”.
Step 4. Set the frequency offset to 100MHz.
Edit frequency offset as 100MHz;
Clockwise (or counterclockwise) turn the front panel RPG to select the Freq Offset edit box.
Make the Freq Offset edit box editable by pressing the knob or touching the screen, and enter
100MHz to set the frequency offset to 100MHz. Now the frequency shown in the main information
display area is 1.1GHz (output frequency (1.5GHz) – frequency reference (500MHz) + frequency
offset (100MHz)). And the RF output frequency remains 1.5GHz.