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Fig.2.35 Pulse Modulation Configuration Dialog Base
Fig.2.36 Baseband Configuration Dialog
The instrument can output real-time baseband signals. Pressing the
key on the front
panel or clicking the [Base] function area on the screen will display a pop-up configuration dialog as
shown in Fig.2.36. Customizing the real-time baseband can generate single carrier, implement
real-time data modulation and control all parameters of digital modulation signals in real time. The
characteristics of vector-modulated signals can be changed by using various data codes, filter, code
rate, modulation type and trigger style. The data source and modulation type supported by baseband
are as shown in Fig.2.37 and 2.38. The settings in real-time baseband menu includes: Baseband
ON/OFF, data source, symbol rate, filter factor, filter select, etc.