¼ green pepper, diced
1 tbsp tomato purée
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp dried mixed herbs
Slit open each pitta bread to form pockets, and spread the tomato purée inside each
pocket. Cut the ham/turkey into strips, turn them in a bowl with the other ingredients, rest
for half an hour to rehydrate the herbs, then fill the pitta pockets and grill for 3-5 minutes.
Goujons of Fish with Carrot Sticks and Sweet Potato Wedges
(Serves 2)
1 large tuna, cod or salmon steak
1 medium carrot
1 small sweet potato
25g/1oz wholemeal flour
1 egg white
breadcrumbs from 1 slice of wholemeal bread
1 tsp white pepper
½ tsp medium curry powder (optional)
1 tsp clear honey
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp paprika
Put the olive oil in a bowl. Cut the sweet potato into thin wedges. Toss the wedges in the
bowl to coat them with oil, then put them on a plate. Stir the paprika and honey into the
bowl. Cut the carrot into sticks about the same width as the thick ends of the potato
wedges, and toss them in the bowl to coat them. Put the wedges and sticks on the press,
and cook for 4 minutes. Mix the flour, curry powder and pepper on a plate. Put the egg
white on another plate, and mix with a fork. Put the breadcrumbs on a third plate.