Orion XC Installation and Operation Manual
Direct Switching of Video, Keyboard and Mouse to previous CPU
1. Start Command Mode with the 'Hot Key'. The
Caps Lock
Scroll Lock
keyboard LEDs will flash
when Command Mode is activated.
2. Press the <p> key on the keyboard.
Command Mode is closed and the console is connected to the previous CPU with complete control.
If the matrix is switched to a CPU that was previously connected with Video Only Access, it will now be
connected to this CPU with full KVM access.
When using ‘Hot Keys’ for direct switching, the user may only be able to connect to unused CPUs he
also has permission to access. The
Force Connect
Force Disconnect
options, as well as the
restrictions of the User ACL and CON ACL are taken into account.
‘Hot Keys' switching is only supported if the User is logged in, or if neither
Enable User Login
Enable User ACL
is selected.
Disconnect current connection
1. Start Command Mode with the 'Hot Key'. The
Caps Lock
Scroll Lock
keyboard LEDs will flash
when Command Mode is activated.
2. Press the <Backspace> key on the keyboard. The Command Mode is closed and the console is
disconnected from the currently connected CPU.
Scan Mode
Scan Mode enables fast switching between video inputs from different CPUs in the favorites list without
continuously using the 'Hot Key'. The switching between two video signals can even take place within one
1. Start command mode with the 'Hot Key'. The
Caps Lock
Scroll Lock
keyboard LEDs will flash
when Command Mode is activated.
2. Press the <’Hot Key’> key and hold it down. The index number of CPUs 1 – 9 from the list of favorites
can be entered on the keyboard, causing the matrix to switch immediately to the video signal of the
respective CPU.
3. Leave Scan Mode by pressing <’Hot Key’> + <Esc>.
Optimal scan mode results can be achieved by the use of display resolutions as close to identical as
possible. This contributes to a smooth and seamless switching in scan mode.
Function Keys <F1>-<F16>
In Command Mode, macros 1-16 can be invoked with the function keys <F1>–<F16> of the connected
standard keyboard.
The stored command sequence for the appropriate function key is executed and Command Mode is closed.
It is not necessary to use <Enter> to confirm selection of macros.