Program module "Update S-Parameters"
R&S NRP-Z28/-Z98
1170.8966.12 3.10
To load an s-parameter table into the calibration set of the sensor, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the sensor to the USB port of the PC and start the program module
Update S-
. The corresponding dialog window is opened (Fig. 3-3).
2. Make sure
Keep Current S-Parameter Data
is deactivated.
3. Under
S-Parameter File
the search path and the name of the S2P file containing the
parameters. Press the
... button to open a file-opening dialog where the S2P measurement
data file can be easily selected.
4. Under
Uncertainty File
the search path and the name of the measurement uncertainty file
containing the measurement uncertainty of the s-parameter test system. Press the
button to open a file-opening dialog where the measurement uncertainty file can be easily selected.
5. Enter the upper and lower nominal measurement limit of the sensor-twoport combination in the
Lower Power Limit
Upper Power Limit
6. Enter a name for the loaded s-parameter set in the
S-Parameter Device Mnemonic
field. This
name can later be queried with
SYSTem:INFO? "SPD Mnemonic"
and is displayed on the
NRP basic unit when s-parameter correction is switched on.
7. Activate
S-Parameter Correction on by Default
if the
switch should be automatically set to
when the sensor is put into operation.
8. Designations for calibration laboratory and person responsible for calibration may be entered in the
Calibration Lab
Calibration Engineer
fields. These designations are stored in the calibration
data set. They are implicitly set to „user lab“ and „user“, respectively, if the fields are left blank.
9. Press
for loading. (The dialog is closed with
and the set parameters are retained. When
the dialog is exited with
, all parameter modifications are ignored.)
Fig. 3-3
Dialog window for loading an s-parameter table