FT 300 Force Torque Sensor - Instruction Manual
Primary icon
Functionality name
Start/Stop recording
Starts and stops the path recording.
Navigate to path’s start
Press and hold in order to move the robot at the path’s start.
Navigate to path’s end
Press and hold in order to move the robot at the path’s end.
Play path
Press and hold in order to move the robot to the path’s start and play the
path as it will be executed in the program.
Enable constant speed
If selected, the path is modified to play at a constant tool speed (linear
speed at the tool center point) defined by the Path speed slider’s position.
With this option, all pauses and hesitations (dead times) in the path will be
Enable reverse path
If selected, the recorded path will be played backwards in the program. It
can be useful if a path is copied and played backwards, resulting in a path
played back and forth.
Enable relative path
If selected, the path will be played relative to the current robot position
when the program enters the path instruction.
This effectively offsets all the recorded path and can be used to:
correct a path (for example adding a vertical distance on the whole path);
accommodate a variable object position (for example when the object is
located by a visionsystem).