Robotiq FT-150/300 Sensor
Instruction Manual
Robotiq inc. © 2016
4.2 ROS
is an open-source framework for developing robot software. The Robotiq Force Torque Sensor has a ROS
package which allows you to read the sensor data and bias the sensor. The ROS package is called robotiq_force_t
and is part of the
Procedure to install and test the Robotiq Force Torque Sensor package
This tutorial assumes that ROS is already installed. These instructions have been tested on ROS
Hydro and ROS Indigo with an Ubuntu system.
1. Create a ROS workspace according to this tutorial:
2. Checkout the
robotiq_force_torque_sensor package
3. Go back into the workspace root and execute the following command in a terminal:
rd@ROS:~/$ catkin_make robotiq_force_torque_sensor_generate_messages
4. Run the following command to build your package:
rd@ROS:~/$ catkin_make
5. In order to allow your Linux user to open the serial port, run the following command as a superuser:
rd@ROS:~/$ usermod -a -G dialout YOURUSERNAME
6. Logout and then re-login to the session to activate the user access modification.
7. Go back into the workspace root.
8. For each terminal proceed with the following steps, source the Catkin workspace using this command:
rd@ROS:~/$ source devel/setup.bash
9. In its own terminal, start roscore:
rd@ROS:~/$ roscore
10. In its own terminal, start rq_sensor: