Robotiq FT-150/300 Sensor
Instruction Manual
Robotiq inc. © 2016
4.1.1 Linux
Package Files - Description
The development package is structured with the following files and directories architecture (non-Linux files and
directories are ignored in this section):
src: contains the source files common to all platforms
obj: used during compilation for the object files related to the common sources
Linux: contains Linux specific files
bin: contains the binary files
src: contains the source files common to all platforms
main.c : application source file which can be modified by the user
obj: contains all the object files after they are compiled
Makefile: file containing the rules to compile the sensor driver using Make
When started, the provided software will scan all ports in the system (ttySx and ttyUSBx) to find a
compatible Robotiq device. It uses the Linux utility "fuser" to determine if the port is already
opened. This section of code can be modified by the user if necessary to avoid the scanning of
ports (for example, if another device would become confused when receiving a message that it
cannot understand).
Procedure to Compile and Test the Provided Source Code
This procedure explains how to compile the source code and verify that the sensor data is properly read.
Unzip the package in the home folder, for example in the folder ~/driver/
Open a terminal and enter the package directory using the following command:
rd@debian:~/$ cd driver
Use Make to compile the application:
rd@debian:~/$ make linux
In order to have access to the virtual serial COM port, add the used
to the group
rd@debian:~/$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout username
It is required to logout (or reboot) the session in order for the group change to become effective.
Make sure that the sensor is properly powered and that the data signals are connected to the development
PC using the provided RS-485 to USB converter. A new device named ttyUSBx should be present in /dev,
which can be verified with the following command:
rd@debian:~/$ ls -l /dev | grep ttyUSB