Calibrating GX-2012s and Gas Tracers • 202
If you are calibrating any instruments that include a %volume sensor, the
screen will appear as shown below and will indicate a gas cylinder change is
needed. The ppm sensor will be calibrated first with GAS 2. The standard 3
sensors will then be calibrated using GAS 1. The %volume sensor will then be
calibrated with GAS 2. The user must change the GAS 2 cylinder before the
%volume sensor can be calibrated. The GAS 2 selection boxes are deselected
by default. You must select the GAS 2 boxes if you wish to calibrate the ppm
combustible sensor and/or the %volume sensor. If you do not wish to calibrate
the ppm combustible sensor or the %volume sensor, leave the appropriate
GAS 2 box deselected. Be sure that the ppm calibration cylinder is connected
to the GAS 2 fitting at the start of the calibration.
Figure 161: Gas Order Confirmation Screen, Standard Instruments Plus
%Volume Sensor