53 • Bump Testing a GX-2012
GX-2012 is defined in the Parameter tab of the Configuration Window. See "Setting
Up the Configuration" step 9 on page 35 for a description of the bump test
configuration setup.
To manually bump test an instrument or instruments:
Establish a connection between the SDM-2012, GX-2012, and the PC
Controller program as described in “Connecting Instruments to the PC
Controller Program” on page 43.
Verify that all of the bump test parameters are set correctly. See “Setting Up
the Configuration” on page 32 for instructions.
Verify that the appropriate calibration gas cylinder or cylinders is connected to
the appropriate SDM-2012 or manifold line.
Ensure that the gas out to GX-2012 line is connected to the inlet of the
GX-2012 and that the exhaust line is connected to the exhaust fitting of the
Select the instrument or instruments you wish to bump test and click on them
to highlight them as shown below. To select multiple instruments for bump
testing, hold down the Control button on the keyboard as you click them.
Figure 36: Instrument Selection
If you would like an automatic calibration to occur after a failed bump test,