187 • Bump Testing GX-2012s and Gas Tracers
15. The pumps will start and the program will indicate that air is flowing. The AIR
indicator on the program screen will be on. The BUMP
LED on the SDM-
2012 control panel will be flashing amber. Air will be applied to the ppm sensor
for 45 seconds, then the PC Controller Program will perform a zero adjustment
on the ppm channel.
If at any point during the bump test you wish to cancel the bump test, click the
Cancel button in the lower right corner of the screen. The bump test will be
aborted and the BUMP
LED will turn solid amber.
Figure 147: Air Flowing to PPM Sensor
The PC Controller Program will analyze the zero adjustment results. If the ppm
sensor failed the zero adjustment, the bump test on that instrument will be
aborted for that instrument.