151 • Logs Button
To view the complete leak check snap log data, double click the desired file.
Figure 122: Leak Check Snap Log Data File Opened
Each leak check snap log consists of a Base reading and a Peak reading.
Base readings are shown in yellow and Peak readings are shown in white. The
file number, user ID, station ID, type of reading, date/time, and methane
reading are shown. The methane reading is based on a 5000 ppm scale. It
does not matter what the display range was set to when the gas reading was
taken. The actual gas reading will be displayed up to 5000 ppm. If the
concentration was over 5000 ppm, OVER will replace the gas reading.
To print leak check snap log data, click the Print control button in the upper
right corner of the window. A dialog box will appear confirming if you want to
print. Click OK.