Upon completion of adjustment of the monochromator and detectors, initiate the measurement. As
far as possible, adjust the monochromator and detectors in the proximities (energy at the absorption
edge + 200 to 300 eV as a rough guide) of the absorption edge at which the measurement is to be
conducted. In the event that the adjusted energy deviates drastically from the energy to be
measured, a readjustment may have to be made.
Select “Measure”
“Execute”; the measurement conditions will be displayed. Select “Cu” in the
“Conditions” area, and click on “Measure.” The measurement will begin. If a file of the same
name already exists, a dialog box will appear prompting selection of whether the file should be
overwritten or cancel the measurement.
Figure 6.14 Measurement
Figure 6.15 Measurement Conditions
Conduct preliminary measurement with the counting time set to approximately one second. If the
absence of irregularities (such as heavy surges present on the I
, abnormal peaks observed, etc.) is
confirmed, conduct the main measurement with a longer measurement time set.