To ensure accurate XAFS measurement, optical system must be adjusted precisely. While the positional
adjustment of the monochromator crystal is performed by controlling the axes of the monochromator using
a computer, the position of the X-ray generator is adjusted manually. The relevant procedure will be
described below. (The adjustment procedure for optical axes varies somewhat between models supplied
with a direct-beam monitor and those without one. The following explanation covers both cases.)
Preparations for Adjustment
With the spectrometer placed in the datum position (2
= 90 degrees), remove the two screws
(indicated by the arrows in Figure 5.1) fastening the monochromator to the spectrometer, and detach
the monochromator. In that operation, the Insulock ties that clamp the cable to the monochromator
may have to be cut off in some cases. Exercise caution when cutting off the tie using nippers or the
like, to prevent damaging the cables. After the monochromator has been removed, install the
optical-axis adjustment slit in the same location. Then, place the direct-beam monitor immediately
behind the slit. On a model not provided with a direct-beam monitor, install the scintillation counter
immediately behind the optical-axis adjustment slit. This scintillator counter is the same one that is
employed for measurement. Connect its cable to the counter through the hole between the
spectrometer section and the sample section.
Figure 5.1 Monochromator (D010524A05)
Figure 5.2 After Removing the Monochromator (D010524A06)