17 January, 2003
SC No.
Possible Cause
Troubleshooting Procedure
SC 731 Finisher exit
guide plate
motor error
The exit guide plate open
sensor is not activated within a
specified time after the exit
guide plate motor turns on.
Loose connection
Defective exit guide
plate open sensor
Defective exit guide
plate motor
1. Turn the main switch off and on.
2. Check if the connectors of the sensor
and motor are properly connected.
3. Replace the exit guide plate open
4. Replace the exit guide plate motor.
SC 732 Finisher tray 1
shift motor error
Tray 1 home position is not
detected within a specified
time after the tray 1 shift motor
turns on.
Loose connection
Defective tray shift 1
Defective tray 1 shift
1. Turn the main switch off and on.
2. Check if the connectors of the sensor
and motor are properly connected.
3. Replace the tray shift 1 sensor.
4. Replace the tray 1 shift motor.
SC 733 Finisher tray 2
lift motor error
The lower stack height 1
sensor is activated
consecutively (detecting
paper) for 15 seconds after
the shift tray starts moving
The lower stack height
sensor 1 is deactivated
consecutively (not detecting
paper) for 15 seconds after
the shift tray starts moving
Loose connection
Defective lower stack
height 1 sensor
Defective tray 2 lift
Motor overload
1. Turn the main switch off and on.
2. Check if the connectors of the sensor
and motor are properly connected.
3. Replace the lower stack height 1
4. Replace the tray 2 lift motor.
SC 734 Finisher tray 2
shift motor error
Tray 2 home position is not
detected within a specified
time after the tray 2 shift motor
turns on.
Loose connection
Defective tray shift 2
Defective tray 2 shift
1. Turn the main switch off and on.
2. Check if the connectors of the sensor
and motor are properly connected.
3. Replace the tray shift 2 sensor.
4. Replace the tray 2 shift motor.