RHEONIK Messgeräte GmbH
REV. I, Apr. 2004
Operation Manual RHE 07, 08, 11
4. Warnings
The microprocessor also indicates warnings. The difference to errors is that warnings are less danger-
ous than errors. For example there will be a warning when flow rate is above 100% sensor flow rate.
But it is just a warning that tells you that meter accuracy could be reduced in this range, yet hardware
and software are working properly.
Possible warning codes are:
Code Display Description
Power failure possibly occurred, there was a processor reset.
Warn2 FlowRange
Flow rate is above maximum flow rate for this sensor size.
Reduce flow rate to have optimum accuracy.
Sensor temperature is more than allowable sensor
temperature (set in MaxTemp menu).
Reduce sensor temperature. The electrical installations inside the
sensor will be damaged.
For a short time there was a lot of damping of the meter
oscillation (for instance, due to gas bubbles in liquids).
There was a totalizer maximum count overflow, the
totalizer started again at zero.
5. Troubleshooting guide
5.1. Sensor voltages and resistances
There are four electrical circuits with which the sensor is connected to the transmitter RHE. The
sensor receives drive excitation from the transmitter and returns two AC Voltage signals back to the
electronics. The fourth circuit is temperature measurement with a PT100 temperature sensor.