RHEONIK Messgeräte GmbH
REV. I, Apr. 2004
Operation Manual RHE 07, 08, 11
There are additional settings for special operating conditions like:
- FiltArray:
A digital low pass filter for phase shift measurement can be configured. The Filt Array number is equal
to number of filtered measurement cycles. Shortest measurement cycle time is two sensor oscilla-
tions. This filter is very useful for applications with pulsating flow rates (piston pumps).
Tim e
Mass Flow
act ual Flow ( m ono Pist on Pum p)
m ean Flow
indicat ed Flow
( high Dam ping)
- TFlow:
Digital damping value for display and analog outputs (flow rate).
is response time in X.XX
- FiltBand:
Flow rate filter band in percentage of half nominal sensor flow rate. Depending on software verion,
slight and insignificant deviations of this flow rate may be given. Response time outside filter band is
shortest. Inside of this, the adjusted response time TFlow is active.
Tim e
Mass Flow
act ual Flow
Tim e
Mass Flow
indicat ed Flow
Filt Band